Commercial Bank “Waybank” (joint stock company), abbreviated name: “Waybank JSC”. Established by the meeting of founders on September 21, 1993. Registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on September 22, 1994
Basic license of the bank for banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency and for banking operations with precious metals № 3095 dated November 01, 2018
The bank is accredited by the Moscow Small Business Lending Assistance Fund (relevant cooperation agreement has been signed).
Registered on October 21, 2002 by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Dues № 44, Moscow
OGRN: 1027744003231
Taxpayer Identification Number: 7744003007
KPP (RRS): 770501001
All-russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations: 29307469
All-Russian Classifier of Political Subdivisions: 45286560000
Russian National Classifier of Types of Economic Activity: 64.19 64.92 64.99 66.19
National Classifier of Government Entities and Administration: 1500010
All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership: 34
Russian National Classification of Municipal Territories: 45376000000
Russian National Classifier of Forms of Incorporation: 12267
© 2025 Commercial bank “Waybank JSC”. All rights reserved